Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE)


Application Process

When to Apply

The Region 9 Thriving Communities Grant Application portal will open on January 15, 2025.

Where to Apply

SEE has partnered with to house the application.

The first step of the application process can begin now by creating a Submittable account and joining our mailing list to stay updated and receive important information and resources ahead of the application opening.

In preparation for the application, we recommend gathering key information such as your organizational budget as well as creating a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) on An Application Guidance Document will be available on this website once the application portal goes live.
Approvals and Frequency

The Region 9 Thriving Community Grantmakers (TCGM) will be accepting applications on a rolling basis and announcing awards on a monthly basis.

Accessing Grant Funds

EPA requires The Thriving Communities Grants be awarded on a drawdown basis. 

A “drawdown grant” refers to a grant where the subawardees can only access funds in stages, requesting specific amounts as needed to cover project expenses, rather than receiving the entire grant amount upfront; essentially, they “draw down” the funds from the grantor as they are required through a process involving submitting documentation detailing their spending to receive the next disbursement.

Disbursement Process

Payroll activity, Time and Effort sheets, proof of payment documentation, receipts and other back-up documentation will be required to be submitted via the Submittable portal prior to payments being sent out to subawardees. EPA specific guidelines contained within 40 CFR part 33 and procurement processes must be followed to receive grant funding such as but not limited to MBE, WBE and BABA found at
Reporting Guidelines

Subawardees are also required to submit quarterly, annual and final reports depicting their program activity.

Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (TCTACs)

The EJ TCTAC Program is working towards a holistic government-wide framework for providing technical assistance and capacity building resources those most in need to improve and foster thriving communities throughout the country. Each of the technical assistance centers will work to remove barriers and improve accessibility for communities with environmental justice concerns. Region 9 has two TCTAC’s.

The Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers will provide the following:

  • Training and other assistance to build capacity for navigating federal grant application systems, developing strong grant proposals, and effectively managing grant funding. 
  • Provide guidance on community engagement
  • Meeting facilitation
  • Translation and interpretation services for limited English-speaking participants

To find additional information on the TCTACs, please visit the following EPA link.

The Application portal is now open
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